Monday, November 5, 2007

Leopard Problems, Leopard makes Vista look great!

ok, I recently bought a Macbook '15 Pro. I should really have 4Gigs of Ram for virtualization but only have 2Gigs right now. It would cost me an arm and a leg to get it through the mac store. Plus spending $3500 for a machine, hurt. I recently upgraded the OSX, from Tiger to the new Leopard.
  Firstly let me say that I really didn't notice that much of a difference in the new features. The only ones that are really handy right now are the Quick Preview, Cover flow and Spaces. The reason they are really handy is because I can preview a document, and most of the time they are Windows Documents, like word or excel files and it's nice to peak at the contents without really open the application. It's great! sometimes that's all I need, preview the document. Spaces is great in that I can have a Parallel Machine running on another space and I can switch back and forth as I need to. Coherence View in parallel doesn't really interest me as much as there are little bugs here and there that are annoying but not serious. 
  After all the hype let me tell you, I am extremely disappointed! Let's talk about the 200 or so features. I haven't even noticed these so called features. They don't seem to add to my experience, I haven't really noticed them. Let me tell you what I have noticed, IChat is supposed to be this great new feature. It's supposed to have great video chat capabilities. Well, I still haven't gotten it to work with another mac. It always tells me that there is a communication error from the other computer. The problem is that both ends of the conversation tell you that it's the others fault! I checked for firewalls and nothing seems to be an issue, just that IChat does not connect. Talking with other mac users, they say the same thing, it's hit and miss with IChat. I though this was a home grow application I could bank on. 

  Adium which is way better than MSN messenger is freezing up on me, at random times. I wrote a blog post about the issue.

   this is funny. Half way through writing this post right now, my Safari browser crashed and had to relaunch. No word of a lie! Thank goodness this blog site auto saves drafts. 

So there is a temporary fix for Adium and I am willing to understand that this is not Apple's fault or Leopard's fault and it's more Adium. But I did expect more.
   Earlier today a bunch of my applications were not running, I got error: 10810 which, after some googling, I found out it has something to do with too many applications running at once. I had 2 applications running, which means, at some point none of the processes underneath were terminated properly. What the HELL!! this is the great new Leopard OSX???
  The newest issue and it's why I was prompted to write this blog was my problem with Parallels. Parallel's for those of you who don't know runs windows operating systems virtually. It is Mac's version of Virtual PC's. It used to run great with minimal hiccups, but now it wont run. I get an error that says, that there is not enough memory for my Parallel to run. I thought it was odd. I had been using Parallels all day, for work. So I lowered the memory settings on the parallel machine and I got the equivalent of Vista's "BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH" which is called "GREY SCREEN OF DEATH". I'll give mac credit, it did look pretty cool, like my computer was dying! 
      This Operating system upgrade is making Vista look Great! I really feel like throwing my Mac against the wall! I really do. Maybe my next blog entry will be through  my piece of crap windows machine. Will someone create a superior product please! I though I had already bought it, I guess I was wrong.

 I guess now I'm just venting.

   any thoughts??




stevevrporter said...

I can usually fix the not enough memory issue with a re-boot.

I'm really interested in seeing how long it will take for all the apps to stabilize.

Steve Porter

Anonymous said...

my my my...sounds like you got one hell of a problem on your hands. the thing is...i have no idea what to suggest! i am no techy! but my hope and prayer for you is that you don't throw your lil macky against the wall. :) is there some place around here that knows how to fix mac problems? i know you're a techy guy, but maybe someone knows a little sumthin' sumthin' about mac's. i dunno!

Anonymous said...

hey hey, look at my lil' sister giving you some great advice! yes, there IS a place in town that deals especially with Macs. i can't remember where it is, but i can likely find out for you. as steve said too, maybe it's just a matter of time before these applications all stabilize. i can already notice a difference in stability from when i first installed Leopard. just be patient. but i know, that's hard for you. chillax buddy. geeze, and they say I'M all worked up over things...

Jeremy Wiebe said...

Hey, I have a great idea. Why don't you format the hard drive and then use BootCamp to install Vista 64 and run problem free. :P. I bet you won't have any Parallels problems running Windows then either. Hee hee... I'm going to go find another pot to stir now.